SAS (Statistical Analysis System; not to be confused with SAP) is a software suite developed by SAS Institute for advanced analytics, business intelligence, data management, and predictive analytics.

SAS Enterprise Business Intelligence (BI) is a suite of applications that allows you to prepare and display data. Here is a quick overview to help you learn the SAS BI product names and purposes.

SAS Clinical

SAS Clinical Data Integration organizes, standardizes and manages clinical research data and metadata.

It provides the foundation you need to define analysis data sets and support strategic analyses such as cross-study and advanced safety analysis. With SAS, you can gain both speed and efficiency by automating repeatable clinical trial data integration tasks.

SAS CDM (Clinical Data Management) Online Training

A clinical data management system or CDMS is a tool used in clinical research to manage the data of a clinical trial. The clinical trial data gathered at the investigator site in the case report form are stored in the CDMS. To reduce the possibility of errors due to human entry, the systems employ various means to verify the data.

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